Friday, April 24, 2009

"It's really very simple"

From time to time I find a poem that I can relate to by another woman who has suffered a great loss. Lyndie is usually right on.

It's really very simple
My life is not the same
I cry when no ones looking...
from all this hidden pain

Can't show it when I'm working
Not when I'm with my kids
It's really very simple
To everyone it's hid

I'll fool you with my smile
I've learned how to deny
It's really very simple
I never show I cry

Although my life is troubled
I never show the truth
The world thinks I'm much better...
for grieving is uncouth

Each morning I awaken
First thing right out of bed
This sorrow that's kept secret
It's simply just not said

Can't share it with my parent...
not a neighbor or a friend
It's really very simple
No one can comprehend

It's really very simple
Only those that share this fate

Can see right through my smile
With them I can be straight

In loving memory of Joey and his heavenly buddies
Copyright ©April 2009

1 comment:

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

How true this poem is. Only those who know this fate can possibly understand it.
