Last weekend me, Solange and my mom attended the District Convention in Orlando. What a banquet of spiritual food! There was a beautiful drama every day.
It was so good to see our old friends as well as the new. We were reminded of the paradise hope and how we should be watching our kids really close because the ruler of this system wants to take as many as he can down with him and he goes for the most vulnerable, our children.
It was 3 days worth of spiritual food. I thank my Bosses for the time off. Now we're looking forward to our "Special Day" assembly in Plant City.
When we got back on Sunday night from the convention Solange went straight to work, both jobs. The one job unloading freight for Walmart and the other job as head baker at this new bakery that just opened up in town. I felt so bad for her. I would've liked for her to rest up a bit after a fast paced, long weekend we just had. But here it was her first week at the bakery, she works barely 3 days and her boss offered her full time!! Soon she'll be leaving Walmart doing all that heavy lifting and working doing what she enjoys doing and went to school for, graduating with honors!!
James 4:8 says Draw close to God and he will draw close to you. Deus é fiel! Jehovah is truly faithful! 1 Corinthians 1:9
Tony would be so proud of her, I know it. He always told her he didn't want her working for Walmart, (valued employee that she is, recieving "Associate of the Month" twice) but that he did want her to bake, something he knew she would enjoy and also something they both loved doing together.
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