If Tony were still here he would be so proud of his babysister. Alias, he was always proud of her the way he would always show off her baking skills. We always had a couple cabinets set aside for Solange's baking ingredients. He would always have people taste her baking goodies and then say to them "from scratch!!" and he would go open her cabinets and show off her tools, ingredients, etc. If he were still here he would be so puffed up with pride to have seen her graduate from the best school "le cordon bleu" and now working at Gia's as "THE" PASTRY CHEF there.
Tony had a cake that was one of his fav's called "Take me to a picnic" cake. A chocolate and peanutbutter cake that was rather thin made on what looked like a cookie sheet cake with a peanutbutter frosting. He'd tell her to call him back into the kitchen when she was ready to frost the cake. And they would mix the ingredients together, then frost it together. It was so good!
LD shows off his little sister's skills now. She makes his fav which is her chocolate chip cookies. He makes sure the cabinet always has plenty of what she needs to make it and she always makes time to make it, even when she was running from one job to the other on a break. Don't you love it when someone appreciates your cooking? Makes you want to cook even more.
Schivone is proud of her as well. She's told everybody, friends, people she works with....she tells them all to show thier support. If you know Schivone she's really telling them, not asking.
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