Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My mom had her surgery to her neck. The following week it did get infected. The Doctor explained that it was her saliva glands that had gotten very infected. He squeezed all the infection out right there in the office. I could tell it was very painful for my mom. Now 2 weeks later the area is hardened but the Doctor looked at it this monday and said it would be several weeks before that area would start to appear normal. In the end tumor that was removed wasn't cancer so we were happy about that.
My grandson is doing much better. He survived the swine flu and so did his momma. LD got to see him last thursday after he stopped at his pre school. He hadn't seen LD in awhile so they were very happy to see eachother. holding on tight to his neck he whispered in LD's ear he wanted to go home but LD told him he had to go to work and that he would be picked up as normal later probably by his other grandma. LD was with Solange. She got a big hug too. Makes me sad LD doesn't get to see his son as much as he would like because he has to work 7 days a week now.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Not at all a good day....

Yesterday was not a good day. I had to pre-register my mom for surgery next wednesday, the 9th. She goes in to remove a tumor on the right side of her neck the size of an ehh. The Doc said may be cancer. She alergic to the anesthesia, she has trouble waking up and last time she got violently ill.
And then there's my grandbaby to which I found out last night has the swine flu. Today his fever climbed to 101 degrees.
I'm at the verge of crying all the time seeing all this and more around me and feel useless unable to do anything about it. This life is so cruel, so unjust. I can't wait till the new system. We all need it so bad.
Rev. 21:4 and I'll be able to see my Tony again.
I was so happy before when he was here. Anything came my way I still felt so blessed because I knew Jehovah and he had blessed me allowing me to be their mom. 4 of the most beautiful blessings, my answered prayer. Now I feel useless, so useless.