Friday, September 6, 2013

My Best-Friend

Sometimes I feel so selfish missing my Tony and wanting him near. He was not only my son, whom I could count on for anything and everything but he was also my best-friend. For example, the situation I am in now, he would never had let it come to this. Jehovah gave me Tony to take care of but He knew Tony would take care of me also.
Now there is only an emptiness inside me. I felt a sadness, sort of, when Tony was born thinking while still inside me I could protect him from the harm in this world but when I gave birth I felt I no longer could do this because with each passing day I was going to teach him how to be a little more independent until one day he wouldn't need me anymore. But as for me, I would always need him. Now all I can do is pray that Jehovah has his name written down in his book of life, he;s still alive to Jehovah, and my hope is to someday see that precious smile again in paradise.

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